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"Every Child is an Artist. The Problem is How to Remain an Artist once we Grow up"-Pablo Picasso.

Sujata Bajaj

1958 Jaipur


First Class in Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts in Art and Painting
PhD Thesis in Fine Arts on Indian Tribal Art
1988 Studied at Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts, Paris


2016 Ganapati, Jehangir Art Gallery and Gallery Art and Soul, Mumbai
2014 Peregrination of Volour, Galleri Suit, Stavanger
2013 Peregrination of Colour, Indigo Blue Art, Singapore
2012 Ganapati, Sculpture, mixed media, printmaking, and collage presented by Gallery Art and Soul at Jehangir Art Gallery, Gallery Art and Soul, Mumbai
2011 Recent works Sujata Bajaj, Galerie Romain Rolland, Alliance Francaise de Delhi, New Delhi in association with the Embassy of France in India and Alliance Francaise de Delhi
2008 Emergence, Osborne Samuel and Berkely Square Gallery, London in collaboration with Saffronart
2008 Stavanger, Norway
2007 L Ordre du Monde, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai
2007 Osborne Samuel and Berkeley Square Gallery, London
2007 Palette Art Gallery, New Delhi
2006 Gallery Art Musing, Bombay
2006 Galleri Sult, Stavanger, Norway
2006 Body Art Gallery, Singapore
2005 Chemould Art Gallery, Mumbai
2004 Gallery Art and Literature, Paris, France
2002,04,05 Galleri Sult, Stavanger, Norway
2001 Galleri Tendenes, Stavanger, Norway
2000 Varatun Gard, Stavanger, Norway
1999 Atlantic Gallery, New York, USA
1999 Stavanger kunstforening, Norway
1998 Galleri Akern, Kongsberg, Norway
1998 Galerie Mohanjeet, Paris.
1994 Galerie Argile, Brussels, Belgium
1993,97,2000,2003 Galleri Nordstrand, Oslo, Norway
1993 Maison de Norvege, Paris, France.
1992,93,95, Galerie Art and Data, Frankfurt, Germany.
1991,94 Galerie Christine Marquet de Vasselot, Paris, France
1991,93,95,2002 The Gallery, Chennai
1991 Birla Academy, Kolkata
1991,94 Galerie Christine Marquet de Vasselot, Paris, France
1989 Galerie Bernanos, Ministere de Education Nationale, Paris, France
1989 Galerie Jean Louis Voisin, Pourville-sur-Mer, France
19 89 Center dAccueil des Etudiants du Proche-Orient, Paris, France
1988 American Cultural Society, Washington, USA
1988 Mac-Robert Art Centre, University of Stirling, UK
1988 Commonwealth Art Gallery, Edinburgh, UK
1988 Saralas Art Centre, Chennai
1987 Karnataka Chitra Kala Parishath, Bangalore
1986 Taj Art Gallery, Mumbai.
1985, 95, 2002 Triveni Kala Sangam, New Delhi
1982 Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata
1979,80,84,89,92,96,2000 Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
1979,87 Kamalnayan Bajaj Art Gallery, Mumbai
1978,80,82,84,85,87 Bal Gandharva Art Gallery, Pune


2012 Aqua, Gallery Beyond, Mumbai
2012 Aviraam Celebrating the Pioneer Spirit- SH Raza at 90, presented by The Raza Foundation at Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi
2011 Form and Formlessness, Art Alive Gallery, Gurgaon
2010 Besides Paris, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata
2010 Swasti Roop, An Abstract Show by Raza Foundation Awardees, Art Alive Gallery, New Delhi
2009 Think Small, Art Alive Gallery, New Delhi
2009 Manthan, presented by Nitanjal Art Gallery at Galerie Romain Rolland, New Delhi
2008 X at the rate of Jehangir, presented by Art Musings at Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2007 An Evening in Paris, Rome, London, Sanskriti Art Gallery, Kolkata
2007 The Tale of Two Cities, Sanskriti Art Gallery, Kolkata
2006 Palette Art Gallery, New Delhi
2005 Gallery Art Alive, New Delhi
2005 Roop Adhyatma, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai
2004 Art Resources, Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2004 Generation-I Saffronart and the Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai
2004 Gallery Apparao, New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai
2004 Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai, India
2004 Saffron Gallery, by Gallery Guild and, Mumbai
2004 Gallery 88, Kolkata
2004 Art Musing, Mumbai
2003 Art Musing, Mumbai
2003 Indian Habitat Center, New Delhi.
2003 Torsormative Texture, Mumbai.
2003 Tie Exhibition, Gallery Apparao, Bangalore, Kolkata, Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai.
2003 Peace, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai
2003 Book 7, Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi and Mumbai
2001 Saffronart and Apparao Galleries, Los Angeles
2000 Sacred Space, Tao Art Gallery , Mumbai.
1998,99 White on White, New Delhi and Mumbai.
1993 Souvenirs den France, Lalit Kala Galleries, New Delhi
1989 Indian Eclectics, Lalit Kala Galleries, New Delhi


2003 S. H. Raza and Sujata Bajaj, Gallery Guild, Bombay
1999 S .H. Raza and Sujata Bajaj, Gallery Seven, Mumbai


2014 Ode to Monumental Celebration, Visuality, and Ideology, presented by Saffronart at Lalit Kala Akademi, New Delhi, and Jehangir Art Gallery, Mumbai
2011 Ethos V Indian Art Through the Lens of History 1900 to 1980, Indigo Blue Art, Singapore
2010 Evolve 10th Anniversary Show, Tao Art Gallery, Mumbai
2008 Shanghai Art Fair, China presented by Gallery Sanskriti, Kolkata
2007 London Art Fair and Palm Beach Art Fair, Berkeley Square Gallery, London
2007 The Power of Peace, United Nations in Bali
2007 Tate Britain, London
2005 Berkeley Square Gallery, Florida Art Fair, Palm Beach
2003 Leau, UNESCO, Paris
2002 Art Singapore 2002, Apparao Galleries, Singapore
2001 Indian Contemporary Fine Art, Los Angeles - Presented by Saffronart and Apparao Galleries
2000,02 Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris
1998 Indian Spring, Hong Kong
1998 50 Years of Independence, Hong Kong
1996 Within the Frame Visual Art Centre, Hong Kong.
1995 UNESCO, Paris
1994 Ausstellung Indische Kunst, Frankfurt, Germany
1993 Contemporaines, Grand Palais, Paris
1992 Salon Decouvertes, Grand Palais, Paris
1992 University of Frankfurt, Germany
1992 Gallerie Christine Marquet de Vasselot, Paris
1992 Galleri Bryggen, Bergen, Norway.
1991 Salon des Independants Normands, France
1991 New York Art Fair
1989 Salon de mai, Grand Palais, Paris
1989 Neuf Artistes de la Cite Universitaire, C.I.U.P, Paris
1989 La Societe Plurielle Egalitaire, Galerie Bernanos, Paris
1989,90,91 Salon Art en Bray, Neufchatel en Bray, France
1989 Artistes Indiens a Paris, Galerie du Cygne, Paris
1989 Galerie de la Maison des Beaux-Arts, Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris
1988 LExposition de Peinture Contemporaine Indienne, Tarbes, France


2003 Raza Foundation Award
1991 Bombay Art Society Award
1988-89 French Government Scholarship
1986 Selected for International Young Achievers, Cambridge, UK
1986 Best Painting Award, Nashik Kala Niketan
1985 Painting selected for National Collection
1983 Outstanding Young Man of Maharashtra
1982 Outstanding Young Man of Pune
1979,84 State Art Award, Maharashtra Chancellor's Award, S.N.D.T. University, Bombay



My work draws influence from both French and Indian art. I use a lot of vibrant colors but balance the colors with texture.


From her days at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where she experimented with monotype, to her studio in Norway and her home in Pune, Sujata Bajaj has explored diverse materials, mediums, and methods. She has worked with different art forms and mediums such as printmaking, woodblock printing, sculpture, murals, cold ceramics, fiberglass, metal, mixed media, and acrylic.


Born in Jaipur, Sujata's parents perhaps recognized her immense talent at an early age. She says, My mother, who is my teacher, friend, and advisor, taught me not to participate to win but also to learn and have fun while doing so. After school in Jaipur, Sujata moved in with her brother and his wife in Pune and joined SNDT College to pursue a post-graduate degree in Fine Arts and Painting.


In 1978, Sujata held her first exhibition at the Bal Gandharva Art Gallery in Pune. At one of her exhibitions in the mid-1980s, she met painter S. H. Raza, who describes her as one of the young hopes of art, a person with great clarity in her artistic concepts.


In India, she had been working on a thesis on tribal art and lived in an environment that she said was extraordinary, populated by myths and ancient heritages.


In 1988, Sujata traveled to Paris at Raza's insistence. The French government granted her an invitation scholarship. In Paris, she enrolled at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts and worked at the Studio Claude Viseux. Viseux's way of working fascinated the young artist: he would ink a metal plate, work on the black, place a sheet underneath, and start the press. The metal plate could be replaced by a glass one. They could not be used to make more than one print, she says.


France was a fascinating world that helped her find the balance between Indian aesthetics and modern painting. Claude and Raza, to this day, remain her greatest allies and patrons.


Tribal art plays an important role in Sujata's work even today. It is quite natural, given that she did her PhD in Indian tribal art and has lectured on it around the world. Art critic Ranjit Hoskote, reviewing Sujata's work, says: Each of her paintings acts as a variation on the past, the ancestral heritage in the palette of yellow ochre and red, reminds us of the ritual circle of sacrifice, a heroic stone, a tribal totem, a lost goddess of fertility, is suggested by certain motifs, and in the elegant calligraphy of sacred texts, hymns are repeated to the pitch of perfection.


Sujata Bajaj spends her time between Pune, Norway and Paris.


Notification - We do not usually display Sujata Bajaj's work, only send it to private art collectors and interested art buyers.


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