BORN DIED EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS SELECTED GROUP EXHIBITIONS SELECTED POSTHUMOUS EXHIBITIONS HONORS AND AWARD ABOUT THE ARTIST Born in 1907 in India, Gobardhan Ash studied at the Government School of Fine Arts in Calcutta between 1926 and 1930 and the Government School of Arts and Crafts in Chennai in 1932. He was appointed Chief Artist of the Indian Institute of Arts and Industry, Calcutta in 1946, where he remained for two years, until 1948. In 1953, he became a senior lecturer at the Indian School of Art, Calcutta, where he remained for another two years. before founding the Fine Art Mission of Begumpur in 1956. He then began his career as an independent artist and remained so until he died in 1996. His numerous awards include the First Prize from the Madras Academy of Fine Arts (1983), Silver Medals from the Association of Progressive Writers and Artists and the Delhi Society of Fine Arts, and Cash Prizes from the Academy of Fine Arts in Calcutta (1937) and the Artistic Heritage of New Delhi (1985). Considered a pioneer of modern Indian art, Ash's contribution at the time when India witnessed the advent of Western modernism is significant and colossal. His work was exploratory, visionary, and inspiring. He printed with boldness and free spirit, never yielding to the rules set by official art. He rejected preconceived notions of how an artist should represent his subject matter and inevitably rebelled against academic rules. If we look at nature outdoors, we do not see individual objects, each with its colors, but rather a brilliant mixture of tints that blend. our eyes, in our mind. Gobardhan Ash (The Statesman, April 24, 1994). His verbal images alluded to what was real and relevant in India but transcended to communicate a deeper universal message about the human spirit. Disillusioned with the limits and limitations he faced, Ash retreated into his private, introspective world to explore his mode of artistic expression. Although the convention at the time was to paint divinities or exotic female figures on the way to the temple, Ash embarked on a completely new approach painting farmers working in the fields, and workers engaged in intense labor to earn their hive, thus establishing a new trend. of sociorealist art in India. In 1945, Ash came into the public eye when the Progressive Writers' Association discovered his series of paintings on the Bengal famine. The paintings depict, if not document, the ravages of the 1943 catastrophe. In juxtaposition to the famine series, his impressionist and post-impressionist gouaches of the late 1940s form an interesting antithesis. The vibrant colors come to life in a pulsating tone that dominates the entire painting. Ash never subscribed to a strict artistic form or technique. Rather, his works from the 1980s display another intriguing and strikingly different style in his treatment of portraiture. The colors, except for the apparent outlines, are reduced to blotches and blotches so that the paint appears to originate from the stained canvas. His subjects are spectral figures that trap us and draw us into his deep state of despair and helplessness. To characterize the work of Gobardhan Ash is to recognize the complexity and spontaneity of his ideas and the enormous richness of his style. An artist who dedicated his entire life to art, his paintings have ranged and evolved from sketches and monochromatic landscapes to portraits, from naturalistic representations of real life to abstract expressionism. Whatever the genre style, he has demonstrated an eloquent mastery over the various styles, techniques, and media employed, as is evident in the vast retrospective collection. His paintings are conceptual and purposeful and show a unique individuality. His art exhibits a frank desire to convey the value of uncompromising artistic sincerity. Gobardhan Ash remains today a prolific artist of his time. Notification - We do not usually display Gobardhan Ash's work, only send it to private art collectors and interested art buyers.
August 5, 1907
December 22, 1996
1953-55 Professor, ICAD, Calcutta
1932 Student of D.P Roy Chowdhury, Government College of Arts and Crafts, Calcutta
1926-30 Fine Arts Government College of Arts and Crafts, Calcutta
1994 Retrospective of Paintings, Rembrandt School of Art, Begumpur
1993 Nandan, Kala Bhavan, Santiniketan
1992 Rembrandt School of Art, Begumpur
1988, 86, 80 Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta
1983, 95 Artistic Heritage, New Delhi
1969 Fine Arts Mission, Calcutta Information Centre, Calcutta
1958 Doon School, Dehradun
1955 House of Art, Calcutta
1950, 51 No. 1 Chowringhee Terrace, Calcutta
1955 Fine Arts Society, Chennai
1953 Calcutta Group, New Delhi
1950 Joint Exhibition of the Calcutta Group and the Bombay Progressive Group, No. 1 Chowringhee Road, Calcutta
1948 Indian Art Exhibition, Singapore
1943 Bengal Famine Exhibition, Calcutta
1936 Exhibition of the Indian Fine Arts and Crafts Society (AIFACS), New Delhi
1933-38, 48, 58 Exhibition of the Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta
1933 Rebels, Calcutta
2013 Gobardhan Ash 1907-1996 Landscape, Galerie 88, Calcutta
2011 Ethos 5 Indian Art through the Lens of History (1900 to 1980), Indigo Blue Art, Singapore
2009 A tribute to the legend Gobardhan Ash (1907-1996), Academy of Fine Arts, Calcutta
2008 The Journey Continues, Birla Academy of Art and Culture, Kolkata
2007 Gobardhan Ash (1907-2007) Birth Centenary Exhibition, Aakriti Art Gallery, Kolkata
1988 Senior Artists Award Silver Plaque, All India Fine Arts and Crafts Society (AIFACS), New Delhi
1985 By order of the Government. In India, the Bombay Film Company made a film of the artist and his Famine Series paintings of 1943.
1985 Received a cash prize of Rs. 10,000, Art Heritage, for his significant contribution to contemporary Indian art, New Delhi
1984 Abanindra Puraskar, Government of West Bengal
1983 First Prize, Academy of Fine Arts, Chennai
1981 Congratulation by the Government of West Bengal, Calcutta.
1980 Greeting Card for Lokachitra Kala, Calcutta
1945 Silver Medal, Association of Progressive Artists and Writers, Calcutta
1936, 37 Received the cash prize from the Calcutta Academy of Fine Arts.
1936 Silver Medal, Delhi Fine Arts Society, New Delhi
1936 First Prize, Madras Fine Arts Society, Chennai
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"Every Child is an Artist. The Problem is How to Remain an Artist once we Grow up"-Pablo Picasso.

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